Born a sprinter, but converted to distance running in adulthood, I have been running more than 30 years. I am the father of four awesome kids and the husband to one amazingly talented, smart and fast wife.
I'm just a regular working guy with a great family, a busy life, and a love for running. Like most people, I sometimes find that the hardest part about running is not about how fast or slow you are, it's simply about finding consistent time to get it in.
Full confession though...my real name is Dave. The Average Joe Runner blog and website was born after I continued to get questions from friends, family, and even perfect strangers about running, training, tips and gear advice.
My wife and I love to coach our friends and family in everything from 5K's to a marathons, as well as help coach our local High School and Middle School track and cross country teams.
My hope is to help share my experiences and the experiences of others to motivate you to get outside and go for a run or two...or three.​
So follow along and feel free to message me with comments, ideas or requests for the blog.
I'll share my thoughts, guest articles, reviews, tips, and even third-party articles.
If I haven't posted on the blog in awhile, you can find more real-time posts on Instagram and Facebook @TheAvgJoeRun!
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Me and my beautiful wife with our bestest running pals!