The Intermountain Riverton Hospital Fam 5k, 10k and Diaper Derby is what community 5k's are really all about--gathering the community to promote wellness.
This run reminded me of 10+ years ago before running became more expensive and somewhat of a fad. The run cost only $15 for the 5k and 10k or $60 to sign up a family of 6!
The run 5k is simply two flat laps around the hospital and four laps for the 10k. The were about 150 participants total. There were actually awards for the top three winners.
I was originally going to run with my two oldest daughters, but my youngest daughter begged and literally cried to run with us. So, we decided that the whole family would run it together.
The first mile we all ran in 11 minutes. I was really proud of my youngest daughter for running the whole mile.
After about a mile and a half, we would run for a little bit and walk for a little bit. At about 2 miles, my oldest daughter was ready to just run the whole thing. So she pulled ahead and finished in 35 minutes.
Then eventually my wife and second oldest daughter ran ahead as well. This was big progress, because in the past my two oldest daughters would ask do run a 5k and cry the whole time, but they are the ones that keep asking, haha.
My youngest daughter was having a hard time with the last mile and we walked a lot, but in the end there were no tears. Thank you.
As we came close to the finish, my wife and older daughters rejoined us. We pulled my son out of the stroller and he ran a little too.
Then my youngest daughter took off for the finish in classic childlike fashion. Even from behind, you could see her beaming and grinning ear-to-ear as she ran through the finish!
We all proudly wore our medals. So hold your medal high and sip your chocolate milk box like a boss!
There was also Diaper Derby afterward. Just need to be 6 month and not walking yet. The winner took home a year's supply of free diapers, haha, awesome!
Also, a big congrats to this cool home-slice for finishing a great 10K!
Actually affordable for families
Our favorite fitting and most comfortable race shirt of all time, literally!
Really great medals for a small race
Super flat and fast course (Perfect for families...and PR's)
Really? How can you give a con to a great little family run like this?
No timing chip, but not really necessary for this small of a race.
Well, his real name is actually Dave...but "The Average Joe Runner" seemed like a catchy name for a blog. Born a sprinter, but converted to distance running in adulthood, Dave has run for more than 25 years. He is the father of four awesome kids and the husband to one amazingly talented, smart and fast-running wife.
The Average Joe Runner blog and website was born after Dave continued to get questions from friends and family alike for running tips and gear advice. However, this blog is also meant to hear from other Average Joe and Jane Runners out there. You can contribute to the blog by clicking Submit or Request. Follow The Average Joe Runner on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @TheAvgJoeRun. Read More.